Rails Trail Tracker Application

Blog Post | Git Hub Repo

The Trail Tracker app is an easy to use, straight-forward application created to help hikers and outdoor enthusiasts to document and share trail locations, details and photos. It allows users to record and share hikes on these trails, and to view other users recent public hikes and public gallery images. Future functionality for Trail Tracker will allow users to add comments to trails and using google maps geo-encoding to get directions to trails saved in the app and view their hiking progress on them. The top navigation bar or nav buttons on each page have been created to easily move between create, review, edit or delete functionalities.

Trail Tracker Application Screen Shot 1

Trail Tracker Application Screenshot 2

  • Project Type: Full Stack Rails Web Application

  • Languages/Technologies: Ruby, Rails5, HTML5, CSS3, ERB, Sqlite3, bootstrap, bcrypt, omniauth,

  • Category:full stack web development, ruby on rails applications

  • Trail Tracker Video Demo with Debugging